Reblog, from: Call for contributors – Stream-Framework 1.1
The 5.3 release makes it a lot easier to get started with Django Facebook. Documentation has had a major overhaul,…
This is a talk I gave at the Amsterdam Performance Meetup. The presentation starts by introducing Fashiolista. It still amazes…
Facebook has just enabled the open graph for 60 lucky apps. The new open graph beta allows you to post…
It’s been a year since Facebook changed the web with the open graph API and their like button. Unfortunately Facebook…
Update: This blog post is outdated, a new and vastly upgraded version of Django Facebook is now available. Read more… is launching in 7 days and has already been getting quite some attention. Techcrunch: 25 startups that will be…
As you can see from the posts (one, two) I’ve always been a big Symfony fan. Symfony is really great,…