Django Facebook now officially supports Django 1.5 and custom user models! Go try it out and upgrade to pip version 5.1.1. It’s backwards compatible and you can choose if you want to keep on using profiles, or migrate to the new custom user model. Installation instructions can be found on github.
Thanks for all the contributions! My startup (Fashiolista) depends on a reliable Facebook integration and maintaining it would not be possible without all the pull requests from the community. Contributions are strongly appreciated. Seriously, give Github a try, fork and get started 🙂
About Django Facebook
Django Facebook enables your users to easily register using the Facebook API. It converts the Facebook user data and creates regular User and Profile objects. This makes it easy to integrate with your existing Django application.
I’ve built it for my startup and it’s currently used in production with thousands of signups per day. For a demo of the signup flow have a look at Fashiolista’s landing page (
After registration Django Facebook gives you access to user’s graph. Allowing for applications such as:
- Open graph/ Timeline functionality
- Seamless personalization
- Inviting friends
- Finding friends
- Posting to a users profile
Django Facebook helps you quickly develop Facebook applications using Django.
Let me know what features or issues you are encountering!